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A Free Crowdsourced Disavow Files Tool that Brings Disavowed Link Data to Light

Are you at risk for a Google penalty for links?

Are you a victim of negative SEO? Are you sure?

How do you know if you have backlinks that others have disavowed?

Would you like to know if another site has your pages in their disavow file?

Google isn't telling you. Let's fix that. Join for free.
Check Your Site for Free

See how many times your site has been disavowed in the database. Try this free look-up:

  • disavowals found for
  • Want more insight and data about your site's links? Join the co-op!

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Know Which Backlinks to Disavow and More

It's tedious work monitoring a site's backlinks to weed out the bad ones — first by sending email requests, then following up, and as a last resort, disavowing them entirely. But webmasters and SEOs know that it must be done to avoid Google penalties.

Having too many sketchy links pointing at your site can raise red flags. Ranking demotions and manual action penalties can result even in the age of Google's "real-time" Penguin algorithm.

Wouldn't it be great if we could understand more of what Google sees and more easily separate the good links from the bad?

DisavowFiles.com lets webmasters crowdsource their Google disavow files so they can make better-informed decisions to manage their own links. It's webmasters helping webmasters bring the data to light.

Join and Access the Data for Free

There is no charge to join DisavowFiles.com. Every new site that joins and submits its Google disavow file helps build a crowdsourced database that's more useful for all. Let's get this off the ground!

Yes, I want to join!

Please sign up below. Then after you log in, you'll need to submit your Google disavow file to get full access to the tools and reports.

"Google has all this stuff. We can't see it, feel it or touch it. Why give Google the data when we can't use it? Let's crowdsource our files, and then we'll all see it. In a world of link penalties, why wouldn't you?" — Bruce Clay, President, Bruce Clay, Inc.

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